
Showing posts from January, 2023


Kunle Adebayo Micheal 100 Level On October 1st, 1960, a group of diversified people of different religions, cultures, and traditions amalgamated to become Nigeria and gained independence from Britain, its colonial master. On October 1, 2023, Nigeria will mark 62 years since our heroes died fighting for freedom and independence, but have we truly achieved independence? The imposition of colonial rule on Nigeria brought the sour goodies of western tradition and religion, which have turned out to be a poison that is hindering us from gaining mental independence. We have imbibed and praised their imposed religion, "Christianity," while reprimanding and maligning the traditional religion that defines us. We have imbibed theiculture and tradition to the extent that our culture and tradition in areas such as our mentality of life, mode of dressing, speaking, history, etc. are dying. We have so much depended on what our great-grandparents and heroes passed fought against. W


ADEMOLA OMOSOLAPE MODUPEOLUWA DEMOGRAPHY AND SOCIAL STATISTICS PART 2 DSS/ FREEDOM NOT INDEPENDENCE As an independent country, Nigeria celebrates its independence day on the 1st of October. On this day all manner of fanfare is done to celebrate this commemorable day, the speech of the government of each state and the presidential address gives hope to every citizen of the country, even people from other countries join the country in the celebration of this great day but the question remains are we dependent or independent? Definitely dependent! What we are celebrating is the freedom we got from the slavery of the colonial masters and not independence. Independence is the state of not being reliant on others but reverse is the case in Nigeria. Starting from the point of our complete dependence in the educational sector. We need to continually rely on foreign research to get an update to our school curriculum. The syllabus of most courses taught in schools are totally outdated an


Name: Adeojo Samuel Oladeji Department: Economics Level: 400 Level Nigeria At 62: Dependence or Independence Nigeria had her political independence on October 1st, 1960 from the British Government, and ever since then, the full responsibility for the country's welfare was placed on the government and people of Nigeria. She turned 62 years old on October 1st of 2022. That is worth celebrating elaborately, not just seeing it as a norm. The country started with a population of roughly 43 million in 1960, but now, the country’s population has grown to about 180 million according to the 2010 population census. That, however, is where the majority of the country’s massive problems originated from, plus the fact that many of the leaders in the country, both the military and civilian governments, were enormously corrupt. Amidst all odds, if we decide to go back to how this country came to being, you will agree with me that Nigeria could be tagged as an independent count


NAME: BUSARI BARAKAT OLUWABUNMI DEPARTMENT: ECONOMICS LEVEL: PART 2 FOSSA ESSAY WRITING CONTESTS Nigeria at 62: Dependence or Independence? Nigeria is a state which is situated in the Western part of Africa and has said to have gained independence in October 1960 from the British Colonial master. Although Nigeria gained Independence in 1960, there were still some forms of intervention by the British colonial because the then Queen of England was still the Head of state with a Nigerian known as Alh. Tafawa Balewa began as the Prime minister. Nigeria gained its full independence by becoming a republican state in 1963, which led to the end of British intervention in the administration of the state. Since Nigeria became an independent state, Nigerians have been the decision-makers of the state and have handled every aspect of the country and policy formulation. Although the decision-making process belongs to just a few people, the fact is that it is purely Nigerian. Here are some of the th


NAME: UTIBE GODWIN GEORGE DEPARTMENT: INSTITUTE OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND DEVELOPMENT STUDIES LEVEL: 100L. NIGERIAAT 62: DEPENDENCE. On the 1st of October, 2022, Nigeria marked her 62nd Independence Anniversary. The Country gained her Independence from the British Colony on the 1st of October, 1960. Under normal circumstances, Sixty-two years in the life of a Nation, ought to be a milestone. It is however, disheartening, that the country is struggling with its current state of the economy. The Nigeria's population is estimated at over Two Hundred Million which means that, the country has both skilled and unskilled labour in abundance. Nigeria is rich in mineral resources and its population, also makes it a fertile ground for global trade. Sadly, even in her sexagenarian, Nigeria, like a vehicle struggling to climb a hilly road, is yet to achieve its potentials. Its large population, has to a large extent, become its weakness rather than its strength. The underdevelopment in the count


FIRST ESSAY WRITING CONTEST TAGGED : F.W.C. 1.0 TOPIC : NIGERIA AT 62 DEPENDENCE OR INDEPENDENCE NAME : ENOH, EYAKUKPONO ESSIEN DEPARTMENT: GEOGRAPH LEVEL : PART 4 NIGERIA, mine, yours and our country became a formally independent federation on 1 October 1960. After experiencing a civil war from 1967 to 1970, followed by a succession of military dictatorships and democratically elected civilian governments until achieving a stable democracy in the 1999 presidential election. Dependence in oxford language is said to be the state of relying on or being controlled by someone or something else. While Independence in Cambridge dictionary is the "freedom from being governed or ruled by another country" Speaking about dependence, it goes well beyond the notion given above. Evidence, facts, and statistics demonstrate that the Nigerian naira's value is significantly impacted negatively by the importation rate, which is 16.57%, as compared to her exportation rate of 8.83%. Th


NIGERIA AT 62: DEPENDENCE OR INDEPENDENCE A few words aren't enough to capture the Nigerian feeling of independence. The fatherland of millions was finally free from the shackles of colonialism, just like the characters in George Orwell's Animal Farm. With independence came high expectations of economic and political stability and development, as well as advancement and furthering of national and local aspirations. Realities after sixty two years of independence however portray Nigeria to have derailed from meeting these expectations. Though blessed with enormous resources such as crude oil, fertile land, solid mineral resources, openness to sea routes and of course, a teeming workforce population, Nigeria has been bedeviled with underdevelopment. One would expect a sixty two year old country to stand on her own and be able to cater for her citizens without necessarily being at the mercy of younger nations, but 'independent' Nigeria fell off. We have relied on oil for


NAME: OLAJIDE FIYINFOLUWA I. DEPARTMENT: POLITICAL SCIENCE LEVEL: 200 NIGERIA AT 62: INDEPENDENCE OR DEPENDENCE The people of Nigeria have waited 62 years to see their country fully independent (we are probably still waiting). This raises the question of what independence means for a country like Nigeria. First, let’s consider the definition of independence. It is the ability to govern oneself without external influence or control. Secondly, let’s put dependence in context. Dependence means being reliant on something or someone else for one's success and well-being. So what exactly does this mean in the Nigerian context? Does it mean that the state is dependent on foreign aid to survival? Nigeria has become a weak state simply trying to survive in the comity of states. Unfortunately, on every development metric, nations like Singapore and Malaysia, who attained independence after Nigeria, vastly outpace the latter. But here we are today, more than half a century later, strug


Oke Racheal Adeola Department of Political Science NIGERIA AT 62: DEPENDENCE OR INDEPENDENCE On the 1st of October, 2022, Nigeria celebrated 62 years of gaining Independence from the British colonial masters, but the question remains, is Nigeria really independent? considering her present political, economic and social situations. Since Nigeria became a formally independent federation on 1st of October, 1960, I believe Nigeria only went from one colonialism to another. From British colonial leadership to Neo colonization. Neo colonialism according to Oxford dictionary means the use of economic, political, cultural, or other pressures to control or influence other countries, especially former dependencies. Like I will always say, your power lies in your economic abilities so it is for Nigeria. The strength of this county lies in its economic power. The manufacturing sector of economy is the main backbone of a country’s development. It contributes greatly to its Gross Domestic


NIGERIA AT 62: DEPENDENCE OR INDEPENDENCE Name: ADEYERA PRAISE TIJESUNIMI Department: Mass Communication Level: 100L NIGERIA AT 62: DEPENDENCE OR INDEPENDENCE Whether a country is dependent or independent is a fundamental political debate which is evaluated based on factors including development, economic stability, a workable security architecture, the degree of external interference, and technological and innovative advancement. The term "Independence" has a colloquial meaning that denotes a political system in which a territory has its own administration that is established in accordance with local laws or customs and is free from interference. The Federal Republic of Nigeria attained independence from the colonial rule of the Queen of England on October 1st, 1960. This marked the culmination of the leading nationalists' campaign for self-government. The year 1963 is central to the republican status of Nigeria, which marked a substantial departure from the Que


Name: Adedeji Gbemisola Boluwatife Department: Economics Level: 100l NIGERIA AT 62: DEPENDENCE OR INDEPENDENCE Nigeria, my country is a land filled with milk and honey. Nigeria happen to be the most populous nation in the whole of Africa and that make us earn the title as the Giant of Africa;the Big Brother of Africa. Nigeria as a country do celebrate it's year of being free from the British colonialism and it always celebrated on the 1st, October of every year. If you ask me, I see no reason why we celebrate years of independence in this country when we are still caged in the shackles of colonialism. Nigeria is not better off even when we were free from our colonizers. Reason why I refer Nigeria as an independent nation are stated below: First and foremost, an indication that Nigeria is a dependent nation is shown in the sense of high dependance on foreign/external aid. Foreign aid can be in form of monetary assistance, military and emergency humanitarian). We survive alm


SUNDAY CHRISTIANAH ECONOMICS ECN/2019/124 200L NIGERIA AT 62: DEPENDENCE OR INDEPENDENCE Understanding the creation of the world with its continental components, entailing Africa; Nigeria, being a geographical country in the named continent made a clarion call as regards her liberty from the dominance of Great Britain, a foreign monarchical nation in the year 1960, which was made official the first day of the tenth month. Nigeria is an independent state in her relation to other countries. Six decades, ordinarily, should be enough to build an empire, provided the resources are held constant with the uncontrollable stumbling blocks to growth evaded. However, Nigeria has had a slow come up, and this vulnerability has forced her into a crippling dependency on foreign nations. It might come across as ironical that a supposedly independent country is still a dependant, but where the giant of Africa is concerned, it is mostly close to literal. Paying close attention to the exciting fac


Name: Ajayi Florence Oluwabusola Department: Sociology and Anthropology Level: 100 Level NIGERIA AT 62: DEPENDENCE OR INDEPENDENCE Before the advent of the British colonialists, every African society had leaders who governed the people by native, customary or traditional laws peculiar to them; without foreign control. However, the British colonialists joined diverse peoples and regions to form an artificial political entity called Nigeria; solely for administrative convenience. Aggrieved by the unfair treatment of the colonialists, the educated elites- the nationalists agitated for self rule and Nigeria eventually became an independent country in 1960. There were high expectations for a prosperous and great country. The question now is: after 62 years of independence, is Nigeria truly independent? The answer is no. A dependent country is one being influenced or subjected to the control of another country or foreign government; while an independent country enjoys sovereignty, self


NIGERIA AT 62: DEPENDENCE OR INDEPENDENCE All countries at some point used to be dependent. Some have come out of it but some others remain stuck in the race. Why? The apellation, 'Giant of Africa' did not just fall on Nigeria. It could have been credited to Ghana, South Africa or even Mauritius. However, Nigeria earned it because of huge abundance in human and natural resources, economic size and its rich diversity in tribes and culture. Anyone would expect that with these uniqueness, Nigeria would be sitting among the powerful countries directing the global affairs of the world. However, sixty-two years after gaining political independence, we are still economically dependent. Nigeria is dependent today because of poor leadership. Our leadership style is where the citizens serve the leaders. Welcome to Nigeria where the ruling class derive joy in the suffering of the masses. No wonder Chinua Achebe in his book, 'The trouble with Nigeria' blamed the root cause of Niger


NIGERIA AT 62: DEPENDENCE OR INDEPENDENCE Name: Adeyemi Kehinde Oluwatobi Department: Entrepreneurship and Industrial Development. Level: 100 Level Chief Anthony Enahoro, a renowned Nigerian nationalist introduced the motion for self-rule in 1953, proposing that Nigeria become independent in 1956. The Northerners rejected this motion because they were of the opinion that we weren't yet ready for independence. Now, 62 years after we eventually attained the long-awaited independence, one has to question whether we are truly prepared for independence. The song “Which Way Nigeria?” written by iconic musician Sunny Okosun in 1984 is still a valid question that requires answers today. An average Nigerian is aware that the country became an independent federation on the 1st of October 1960 and actually 62 years old this year but unfortunately, we are yet to partake of the fruits of independence. What are the fruits of independence? Amongst many, one par


Name: Adebayo Inioluwa Elizabeth Department: Economics NIGERIA AT 62: DEPENDENCE OR INDEEPENDENCE Nigeria at sixty two (62) years of independence can we are really independent because Nigeria, is still expecting experiencing a tough journey to nationhood. Before I proceed, let’s check out what it means to be dependent or independent. According to Merriam Webster Dictionary, “Dependence” is the quality or of being influenced or determined by or subject to another, one that is relied on. While “Independence”’ is the quality or state of not being subject to control by others, not requiring or relying on something else .In Political Science when we talk about a dependent territory, dependent area, or dependency (sometimes referred as an e external territory) it is a territory that does possess political independence or sovereignty as a state yet remain politically outside the controlling state integral area. A dependent territory, conversely, maintain, a certain degree of autonomy from


NAME: ADENIJI OLUWOLE PAUL DEPARTMENT: PSYCHOLOGY LEVEL: 100 LEVEL TOPIC- NIGERIA AT 62: DEPENDENCE OR INDEPENDENCE Nigeria is a country located in West Africa that gained its independence from British colonial rule on October 1, 1960. Since then, the country has faced numerous challenges, including political instability, economic struggles, and security threats. As Nigeria celebrates its 62nd year of independence, it is worth examining the extent to which the country has achieved true independence or if it remains dependent on external forces. One of the key challenges Nigeria has faced since gaining independence is political instability. The country has experienced several military coups, with periods of military rule interspersed with civilian governments. This political instability has hindered the country's ability to effectively address its many challenges and has contributed to a lack of trust in the government among the Nigerian people. In addition to political i


NAME: ABOLUWARIN OLUWATAMILORE GRACE DEPARTMENT: SOCIOLOGY AND ANTHROPOLOGY (MASS COMMUNICATION) LEVEL: 100 LEVEL TOPIC: NIGERIA AT 62: DEPENDENCE OR INDEPENDENCE It is no news that Nigeria became an independent country on October 1st, 1960 and ever since then, she has been trying to exercise her independence. Now it boils down to a question, is she independent or somewhat still dependent? When did she lose her independence again, or is she still trying to find a balance? It is 62 straight years of independence, so what balance is she still trying to find? Ponder these questions, and let me help you find answers. Independence, according to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, is a state of being independent, i.e. not subject to control by others. Still, in contact with this same dictionary, dependence is defined as the quality or state of being dependent, i.e. being influenced or determined by or subject to another. Having defined the concepts of dependence and independence, we can now say


Nigeria At 62: Dependence Or Independence. It's been 62 years since we had colonial masters occupy our territory as controllers. The British took full control in 1914 and established dominance for 46 years till gallant men like Anthony Enahoro, Obafemi Awolowo and other activists demanded for our freedom formally. Before the question of Nigeria's dependence or independence can be properly answered, it is logical to understand the meaning of “independent” and “dependent”. Independence is when an entity is free from outside control and does not need support from any other party before livelihood is attained. While dependence is the exact opposite of independence. In this light, we can rationalize our expectation of an independent country to being self-sufficient and internally coordinated without other countries' influence. Judging by Nigeria's happiness rank in the world according to the Guardian newspaper, Nigeria ranks 118 out of 146 countries in the world. This ref


Name: Sysavane Usman Part: 200 Level Department: Geography Nigeria at 62: Dependent or Independent It was on the 1st October 1960 that Nigeria officially gained independence as a nation and was free from her British colonizer. It however remains a valid question weather we are truly independent as a nation. I personally believe that just as no single person could make progress without the help of another, so too is the case for any and every nation. Even nations we consider developed still rely on the intellectual and material resources of other sovereign nations. (With China as an exception of course.) Even America still imports her oil today. But if reliance on other nations does not necessarily translate to a nation being dependent, what does? After careful thinking I have come to realize that true independence is only achieved when a nation’s needs can be met without the need for sacrifice of other important requirements even if they are less needed. It has been in my experien