NAME: ADENIJI OLUWOLE PAUL DEPARTMENT: PSYCHOLOGY LEVEL: 100 LEVEL TOPIC- NIGERIA AT 62: DEPENDENCE OR INDEPENDENCE Nigeria is a country located in West Africa that gained its independence from British colonial rule on October 1, 1960. Since then, the country has faced numerous challenges, including political instability, economic struggles, and security threats. As Nigeria celebrates its 62nd year of independence, it is worth examining the extent to which the country has achieved true independence or if it remains dependent on external forces. One of the key challenges Nigeria has faced since gaining independence is political instability. The country has experienced several military coups, with periods of military rule interspersed with civilian governments. This political instability has hindered the country's ability to effectively address its many challenges and has contributed to a lack of trust in the government among the Nigerian people. In addition to political instability, Nigeria has also struggled economically. Despite being one of the largest oil producers in the world, the country has failed to effectively utilize its natural resources to improve the lives of its people. Instead, corruption and mismanagement have led to widespread poverty, unemployment, and inequality. This economic dependence on oil has also made the country vulnerable to fluctuations in the global market. Furthermore, Nigeria has also faced significant security threats, particularly from extremist groups such as Boko Haram. These groups have carried out attacks on civilians, causing loss of life and displacement of many Nigerians. The government's inability to effectively address these security threats has led to a lack of safety and security for many in the country. Overall, while Nigeria has made some progress since gaining independence in 1960, it remains largely dependent on external forces. Political instability, economic struggles, and security threats continue to hinder the country's ability to achieve true independence. In order to overcome these challenges and truly achieve independence, Nigeria must address these issues and work to build a stable, prosperous, and secure nation.


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