NAME: BUSARI BARAKAT OLUWABUNMI DEPARTMENT: ECONOMICS LEVEL: PART 2 FOSSA ESSAY WRITING CONTESTS Nigeria at 62: Dependence or Independence? Nigeria is a state which is situated in the Western part of Africa and has said to have gained independence in October 1960 from the British Colonial master. Although Nigeria gained Independence in 1960, there were still some forms of intervention by the British colonial because the then Queen of England was still the Head of state with a Nigerian known as Alh. Tafawa Balewa began as the Prime minister. Nigeria gained its full independence by becoming a republican state in 1963, which led to the end of British intervention in the administration of the state. Since Nigeria became an independent state, Nigerians have been the decision-makers of the state and have handled every aspect of the country and policy formulation. Although the decision-making process belongs to just a few people, the fact is that it is purely Nigerian. Here are some of the things that must be in place before a state or nation is said to be independent, which Nigerians have satisfied, allowing them to be regarded and seen as an independent state.            Firstly, A state or nation can be said to be independent it must have a reasonable population of which Nigeria has over 225 million people that have been recorded as citizens of Nigerians. Nigeria has consistently increased its population over time, which makes it eligible to be called an independent state. Another feature is that an independent state must have a government that comprises citizens of that country. We have had a different government since the first republic till date and it has been Nigerians who have been ruling even during the military regime so why then will I say a state that has had the power to ensure that only its citizens have been in charge of decision making and ruling of the state in a democratic setting, a state that has been making using of a set of rules formulated by the citizens which are known as a constitution should not be viewed as an independent state before of it excesses. Also, a state can be said to be independent if it is a legal entity, which means that it has the right to own property and can sue other legal entities. We have different cases where Nigeria as a state has been sued and has sued other states, and Nigeria as a state owns different properties at different levels of government. Also, it must be recognized as an independent state by other states, and this is ascertained before Nigeria becomes a state, its government is seen as an independent state, and the state has been able to enter agreements and partnerships with other states without the intervention of the colonial masters. Nigeria is also part of a lot of international organizations that are strictly for independent states, such as the United Nations, Ecowas, Commonwealth, etc. Lastly, before a state can be seen as an independent state, it must have the sovereign power to decide without external coercion or force. Nigeria since 1963 has made tons of decisions that have not been influenced or made by any other state. How then will you claim that a state that has already been in charge of anything that happens or concerns its state since its liberation is dependent just because of its interaction with the world powers? It has been established that no country or state is an island on its own and does not have it all, so there is a need for interaction with different countries, and this is what has been involved. As much as states are independent, there’s still a need for stability in the world. That’s why there are organizations like the UN that comprise leaders from different states, and there are world powers and states that have achieved more than others. All Nigeria has been doing is interacting and leveraging on the developed countries to gain a lot of things. So this should not be seen as though Nigeria is still independent or colonized by the world powers. Despite the challenges and failings of Nigeria that make people categorize it as a dependent state, Nigeria has achieved a lot of things since independence, such as creating one of the best and largest army bases in Africa. Over time, Nigeria has been able to beat a lot of African countries into creating the biggest, largest, and fourth-best military base that has been protecting the territories of the state against external coercion. Nigeria has also been able to create the largest economy in Africa despite gaining independence after some countries like Ghana, South Africa, and so on. Nigeria has also been able to lower the rate of mortality by working with different foundations, such as the Bill Gates Foundation, to fight diseases such as polio. Often times, Nigeria has been able to bring in more technological gadgets and technical means of making things easier for their citizens, for example, phones, laptops, AI, telecommunication communities, banks, and so on. More Nigerians have been given access to a lot of things such as Education, health services, etc., unlike the colonial period. Another achievement of Nigeria since independence is her ability to provide health services to curb malaria, which is the main cause of death in the country. Means of communication have also been improved, and democracy has been highly recognized since independence. The highest of Nigeria's achievements since independence is its ability to produce and grow its citizens and protect them against external coercion. We have millions of Nigerians who are doing so well in and outside of Nigeria, and this is because of Nigeria's interaction with other states. Do you still think that Nigeria has achieved nothing and does not deserve to celebrate 62 years of independence because of its shortcomings?


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